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The day had finally arrived!


My surgery was scheduled for 8am on the 2nd of December. However, I was emitted into the hospital the previous evening to get everything sorted. I immediatly thought "oh dear, I won't get any sleep" but to my surprise, I slept like a baby. It was only in the monring that waves of different emotions came over me. I could feel the  hopsital gown around me and I could smell that general hospital tang. Immediatly it hit me that the day had arrived. I woke around 6.30am just with excitment and nerves. I clearly remeber looking out this tiny window beside my bed and the sky was so beautiful, a deep red colour and I thought to myself the time is now and I've just got to go for it. 


My parents arrived early morning before I headed in for the procedure. Hugs and kisses galore. 


I was then wheeled downstairs to the surgical floor where if I'm honest, looked like a jail painted bright yellow. The nurses where very attentive and everyone smiled as I headed into a large room where others were waiting to go in for sugrery. I waited around half an hour before I headed in. However, my nerves were calmed as a man heading in before me was telling me all about his brain surgery. It made me feel a little more settled. 


Next thing I know I'm in a libray surrounded my old dusty books and I am being wheeled into a tiny room with an incredibly attractive anesthetist. Then I knew that the drugs were kicking in. All gigly and smiley before going to sleep, little did I know the extremity of the recovery that was yet to come.


Hospital Stay.


I want this to be an honesty blog and so I just want to make everyone aware that the hospital stay for many might be the most uncomfortable time. However, the time passes quickly and just appreciate the support you have from family and friends.


Don't think of it as a bonus but YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT.


When I first awoke from the surgery I was taken into the high dependency unit. I don't rememebr much from this time as I was on high doses of morphine. The last memory that I can remember clearly is seeing my parents. I felt feelings of relief, joyfullness and fear. I could tell that they had been through a long and stressful day sitting in the waiting room praying everyone was ok. 


I was kept in the hospital for three days following my operation but I am aware that time kept in hospital can vary depending on the individiual and his/her circumstances. the hospital stay was nothing special, just surgeons checking up on me and my parents trying to make me eat and drink. I'll tell you now drink loads of water as I did have a few hallucination episodes but only as a concequence of being majorly dehydrated. I remember being whelled out of the hospital and it felt great, knowing that the worst was over and I could finally head home. 





 2nd December 2011.
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