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From the age of 3yrs - 5yrs I lived in Singapore with my family. Being so young,I had no issues with my appearance. I was young, tanned and active with no worries in the world.
Approaching my teens I began to notice my chin growing and my bite started giving me difficulties, making it hard to chew tough meats. This was also the time when appearance become more of an important element in my life, being in the first years of high school.
Years went by and my appearance strated to change. It wasn't something noticable as I was just growing up. However, I began noticing my jaw pretruding.
Although I was a happy teen surrounded by friends and family, I obsessed over how I looked and I wanted to change. I knew my jaw was abnormal. 
On the back of my mind I looked at myself as an outsider, someone that had a different 'look' from everyone else. I remember sitting in class and always making sure my hair covered the bottom of my face to prevent anyone from noticing my pretruding jaw line. 
Many of the issues I struggled with included:
- Low self esteem
- Little interest in what I wore
- Difficulty chewing food
- Never smiled in photos
- No confidence 
At the age of 10 I was refered by my dentist to start having visits to the dental hospital as my dentist had seen many more clients with either underbites or overbites. I will never foget my visits to the hospital. 5 years of my life with stainless steel on my teeth was not the highlight of my life. However, I knew that it was in preparation for a surgery that would completely change my appearance.
Visiting the hospital was often painful and discomforting. However, I was offered orthognatic surgery to fix my bite. The surgery can be both for dental work and psychological issues including low self esteem and this is somehting I expressed to my potential surgeons. At every visit they could see my excitment for the procedure even though they knew it would be a long process. 
At the age of 15 the day had finally come.....
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